Now that we have made it through the mad rush of the beginning-of-school, it's time to really think about sharing your library story. How do you plan to share it this year?
I urge you to make sharing your story a priority, y'all. If not you, then who?
If we don't share our stories, if we don't tell our tales, they don't get told. If we aren't advocating for our student's need for a school library, then we are missing the mark. I know we are all busy, and I know it can feel overwhelming to add one.more.thing, but sharing your story is vital.
In Texas, our new state standards include sharing our story almost daily on at least 2 social media apps in order to achieve a distinguished rating. Not gonna lie, this has helped me to be more intentional about sharing. I'm using our library Insta a lot, our Twitter a bit, and our Facebook page a bit. I do a TON of PD on my own Twitter handle, and share some library world on my personal FB and Insta, as well.
- This year I'm adding a monthly infographic report sent to my principal as part of sharing my library story.
- I'm intentionally targeting various stakeholders with info. Sometimes this means tweeting @your legislators, school board members, etc. with good library news.
- I"m practicing my elevator speech and bringing up specific lessons I'm teaching in conversations.
- I'm not waiting to be asked to offer PD, etc. Instead, I'm reaching out to our admin who plan those days and asking for time, giving ideas, offering up ways I can collaborate.
- We have a new school news video program and I'd love to revive the library segment we use to have a few years back before that particular teacher moved and left us without a video news segment for a couple of years.
What ways are you sharing your story? How have you used social media? How are you continually advocating for the library so that we are seen as vital to our student development?
I'd love to hear your ideas!
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